Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Blog Effect

I'm still not exactly sure why I started this blog. Part of the stimulus came from nephew Don who just made an offhanded comment that I needed to blog about my Uber experiences.
I get a million things through my head and sometimes they feel like they all come at once. Sometimes just one hits me but it seems to hit me with blinding clarity, or at least blinding clarity to me.
But then I think about it and I wonder if that particular thought has any meaning to anyone other than me. Oftentimes I conclude not and that thought never sees the black and white of a word processor.
Over the last few weeks I've learned that things often only make sense to me once I start to write. It's my version of the What vs. the How. In other words I have an emotion in me that needs to come out, the What, but I'm not sure of the How to say it until I start to write.
The Ross School of Business is located at the University of Michigan. It is the center of what is called Positive Organizational Scholarship, the business version of growth through positive thinking.
I attended a course there about 10 years ago and it had a profound effect on me.
Bob Quinn was a faculty member there, he wrote a book called Deep Change and I recommend it highly. There's a line in that I've always remembered about any kind of meaningful journey of change: You have to build the bridge as you walk on it.
That's exactly what this blog is. I'm building as I walk. I have no idea what's coming. I have no idea when. I have no idea if anyone will read it. I have no idea how any of you will respond. I am amazed at the comments and emails and private messages that I get from people. I have no idea why some blog posts resonate with people more than others. And yet it seems like the more I write the more I need to write and the more things I think to write about.
All of this is a really long way of saying thank you to the comments I've received about I Got Tested. So many of you said so many nice things. I wasn't seeking that and I think you know it but I am very grateful nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome, and that isn't window dressing Ken. Sometimes others have an odd feeling that something is amiss or off in their world and your posts are thought provoking in a very healthy way. Typically the poster is coming from some point of view that is a bit extreme compared to our own but we do the exercise with the hope of gleaning something positive. Because of your unique background, (meant as a positive), you are able communicate with someone like myself in a non righteous or threatening open arms kind of way that resonates. Yours and my relationship was founded on mutual respect in the business world and then trickled into a quality personal relationship that in my opinion, never crossed into the area we so often visit where we discount a friend's thought or opinion because they are a friend. Obvious point is that you have traction with me and I have always walked away a better the I walked in. As I learned from my wife, I will close with a Do something great today comment!
