Saturday, February 13, 2016

Emotional Earthquake Workshop

I have decided that the first presentation of my material will be in Decatur, IL, on Tuesday, March 22, 2016. I've checked on options for meeting rooms and I have several but won't make a final decision on location until I have some sense of turnout.
The session will run from 4:30 to 8:00. Since this is the first time I've presented the material it's hard to judge the time exactly but I think that will work.
The price will be $40 per person. I had to bump it up a little bit since the costs for food and the room turned out to be higher than I expected. As I said earlier if money is an issue for you please contact me directly and we will work it out.
There won't be a full dinner but given the time of day I felt I needed to be sure there was enough there to keep you from starving to death. Once I get more details I will provide them.
The website, and the ability to pay with a credit card, won't be up by then. All you need to do is bring cash or check to pay at the time. You will also need to email me at with your name and phone number so I can reserve a spot for you.
It's hard to predict the turnout but there has been a substantial level of interest so far. On one hand I'd like as many people as possible because if the information is meaningful to you then I would like to see you there. On the other hand I know that if the group gets too large it can make it a little harder to connect on an individual basis. I won't put a limit on attendance numbers unless it gets excessive.
The basic format is about 8-10 units using a structure of presentation/exercise/discussion.
The exercises will be just for you to have a chance to apply the materials to your circumstances.
There will be no forced sharing of information from any one. Contributions from attendees always help in a workshop but these are very sensitive issue and I will never put anyone on the spot with a question or expectation.
I hope to see a lot of you. Please let me know ASAP of your intent so I can save you a seat.
If you have other questions just let me know.

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