Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Emotional Earthquake Question

Today I received this from a friend:

Hi Ken! I have been following your blogs and have enjoyed them all. One thing that came to my mind was what about the spouses/loved ones of the person having the emotional earthquake. My husband had his own earthquake which left me to hold the family together and keep things running. Will this curriculum help those of us who have had that experience or will that be something you will develop alongside the emotional earthquake curriculum? Just wondering.

I'm glad this point came up and I thank the person for asking.
I think the curriculum will be as valuable for the loved ones as it will be for the person directly affected.
Using the phrase "directly affected" doesn't sound right to me but I think you know what I mean.
When an earthquake hits it rattles the whole house and everyone in it. I know from my own experience how true this is.
It would be especially true if the person directly affected can't or won't confront what happened and respond to it. In an earlier post I mentioned someone had posed the question to me 'Why can't I just stay mad?'
My answer was you certainly can if you choose to but if staying made gets to the point of hurting those around you then you have let your anger turn into selfishness.
The ideal circumstance would be for the couple come to the class together. I think it could be powerfully effective. I had a couple sign up yesterday. I don't know what their objective is.
In this case the next best is for the husband to attend so we can try and help him past it. The next best is for the wife to attend so she can deal with his inability to get past the issue.
Some of you may know friends or family members in this situation, or maybe even yourself.
I hope you can come, and I hope some of them might join you.
If anyone has other questions please let me know. If you are wondeing about something I guarantee someone else is too.
I've had a very good enrollment response. Please email me about attending, even if you're not positive yet. I want to be sure I save seats.
If you think speaking with me is helpful please email me and I will be in touch.


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