Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Plans So Far

Here's what I'm working on right now. The last part I will go through in some detail and I would welcome your comments and suggestions on it or anything else.
I am soon going to set up a separate corporation for consulting services. Big surprise, it will be called Independent Thinker Consulting.
I bought a domain name tonight, Nashvillethinker.com. I also have a new email set up now, Ken@NashvilleThinker.com. I will still use my gmail but will start migrating to the new email soon so if you need to reach me try it out. I suppose a website is in my future.
I told you earlier that I get great satisfaction from helping others succeed in life and business.
My son in law owns a staffing and recruiting firm in Nashville and there may be some opportunity to use some of the things I know to add value and grow the office.
Step one is for me to get re-certified as a Gallup Strengths coach. I mentioned that system in an earlier post. I never bothered with the re-cert before because it didn't really matter since I only used the material on an internal organizational basis. However when you are presenting it to a prospective customer certifications matter so I need to get that done. I think I can do it on line and avoid a trip to Omaha. Either way I'm looking forward to it, I know I will learn something new even though I feel very proficient in the Gallup material. There are no certified Gallup strengths coaches in Tennessee.
Strengthsfinder is never used as a hiring tool. It has no predictive value in regards to performance. However it an an excellent way of understanding behaviors and settings in which a person may do well or poorly. I have found it particularly useful in working with groups of 10-20 people who spend a lot of time together.

Step two is to get certified in another methodology called DISC. Chris sees this a lot in the marketplace, especially among HR and sales professionals.

DISC stands for:

There is an assessment tool that leads to understanding which of those 4 quadrants a person is likely to fall within and the workplace ramifications of those quadrants.
I have read some comparative studies of DISC and Gallup and there are some differences and some similarities. Chris thinks being trained in both will be an advantage for me and a plus for the office.
I'm excited about this. I love learning new things like this, I have always liked the Gallup work, and this feels like something that suits me.
In this case it appears I will have to travel to Scottsdale for training. Scottsdale? In the winter? Oh no!!

Step three is an idea that I have been conjuring up lately. Obviously I'm not the only one in the world who has had to deal with major disruptions in their life. And job related disruptions are not the only ones that occur. So I started thinking about how I could use what I have been through, what I have learned, along with my teaching skills, to create a course that others might benefit from.
The title is:

Emotional Earthquakes: Loss of Lives, Loves, and Livelihoods.
Loss of Lives means the death of someone important to you.
Loss of Loves means the loss of a relationship, a painful divorce, or something along those lines.
Loss of Livelihoods means jobs of course, firings, downsizing, whatever the reason may be.
All are Emotional Earthquakes, they rattle you, they shake you to your foundations, they make you worry about what might come next.
So next comes the CURE.

You must Confront your reality. Often people want to ignore it, deny it, hide it. No way. You have to look that sucker in the FACE. This is IT, for better or worse.

Usually there is something in particular that sticks in your craw. You're mad at a particular person, or a particular thing they did, you're mad at God, whatever. You have to try and Understand what that  issue is so you can resolve it and get past it.

Then you start the Rebuild. What are the things that make up your foundation? If they're weak then strengthen them. If they're strong you need to spell them out to yourself and lean on them.

And then Evolve. There is no reset button in life. You can't put things back like they were. You're different now and your life is different so deal with it. Where and what are you headed to and how are you going to get there?
I envision this as a 2-4 hour class that would involve exercise at each step of the way aimed at helping each person chart their own course.

So this is where I need your help. I love this idea but everybody loves their own child so I can't go by my opinion alone,
Any merit to this? Would anybody even be interested? Would they take something like this?
Does my construct have any connection to reality?
Please, please, please, give me comments on this. If you don't want others to see what you say then email or call me.


  1. With almost 20 years in HR, I've been I've been through a lot of those Myers-Brig type programs. I've been through DiSC. But more recently the company I work for put us all through Insights. I loved it! It really is more customized on an individual level. There was one individual in my department that I really hated. I couldn't stand to be in a meeting with her. I'd clench my jaws shut through entire meetings. After going through Insights I discovered our differences and it shed a lot of light on our very different personalities. After that I was able to tolerate her and sit in meetings next to her without jaw pain! After I left the company, she is the one that called me and asked me to come back on a contract basis. We actually had a long, pleasant conversation the day she called me! If you aren't familiar with it, you should check it out. If you're interested, a very good friend of mine is certified and she loves to talk about it!
    --Melissa (your niece)

  2. Melissa
    Thanks for that note. I will look at that one too. I suspect there are more of them than I realize but I will ultimately have to pick a couple to concentrate on.

  3. If you come to Scottsdale, you have a place to stay :)
    I find all 3 of these programs/topics interesting. Self analysis and reflection leads to self improvement, and I am always looking to do that.
    I have to say that I was wrong last week when I said that I bet you will have a new business going within 2 months of moving to Nashville! 1 week later, "Nashvillethinker.com" was born. I love it! The fun has just begun! <3
